In today’s world order, clicking a Selfie or a random picture is more imperative than some of the most important issues of the world.
Today, a picture describes how happening your life is and no matter if your life is the perfect example of boredom but if your pictures are awesome, then dude your living ‘the dream’ as per many!!
Now what could be more kick-ass than getting those pictures printed!!!
To fulfill that dream, we present to you a Polaroid technology for Smartphones – SnapJet!
SnapJet, in the simplest terms is an instant printer giving you the feel of a Polaroid. It prints pictures directly from your Smartphone without any direct or physical connection.
We all wish for a mobile printer which could give us a truly high quality picture directly from our Smartphones.
And that was exactly the thought of the makers of SnapJet as well, they wanted something which was vibrant, glossy, and artistic but at the same time reliable. So they went into a research mode and came out with a solution of a Polaroid technology that could be used here. Fuji’s Instax film was their primary and final choice mostly because it had an incredibly high resolution, and great color.
Now the question was; how to cause the print to happen?
Smartphones display’s have a retina display which achieve an unbelievable resolution of 326ppi or higher and are also carefully color corrected. After many experiments, they realized that if they could create a way to focus that light emitted from the Smartphones, they could easily and beautifully print a photo.
To achieve that, they combined a vintage analog instant film and fiber optic technology, thus forming SnapJet!!!
SnapJet uses Polaroid 300 PIF or Fuji Instax Mini Cartridges, 1.8 x 2.4 Glossy prints & 10 sheets per cartridge.
SnapJet Works with any & every Smartphone and to print a picture all you need to do is; place your cellphone (upside-down) over SnapJet, push the button on the side of the device and it will scan the screen to print out a high resolution color image.
SnapJet acts as a miniature scanner cum printer that grabs the images right from your phone screen.
What is unique about the smart device is that, it does not require lenses to be able to print a picture. Instead it uses, ‘micro-structured optical polymer’ which scans across the screen and transfers the image to an instant portrait and makes sure not to distort any pixels.
Wondering what’s micro-structured optical polymer? It is one of the main reasons why and how SnapJet functions. It is a bundle of microscopic optical fibers fused together and with the help of this bundle; the image gets transferred from one surface to another.
To put it in layman terms, it works just like a Xerox machine only to be far more technologically advanced.
To give a more inside outlook of how SnapJet was made, along with the device you also get printed circuit board files and CAD models.
SnapJet makes a one-to-one copy of your Smartphone screen with dimensions of the photo being 46mm x 62mm.
SnapJet comes with an optional app that also helps in resizing the image to fit this exact width/length. Apart from that, it also offers features like adjusting your screen brightness, communicating with SnapJet’s hardware, adding effects, etc!
SnapJet uses a Polymer Lithium Ion Battery that can be charged using a micro-USB cable; just like any other cellphone. This battery has a 700-900mAh capacity within which one can print upto 50 odd photos before the need to recharge arises.
SnapJet works with all Smartphones including all the new ones such as iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. Although; the screen of it being larger than that of SnapJet, some part of the image maybe cropped out but then again the app can be of great help here, as you can first resize the image and then put it to print.
SnapJet also includes OLED display, USB, and BLE connectivity, so anyone can control the outcome, exposures, hack, and reprogram the device with the help of the same micro-USB cable which is used for charging.
The beauty of this device which separates it from the rest is the fact that even though it is first of its kind but excels in technology and has made sure that the quality of the pictures are as similar to that on the phone.
SnapJet uses an image scanning and transfer system which has the capability to reach a resolution limit of 1200 dpi. In simple terms, it means that when you upgrade your phone, the print quality of SnapJet also gets automatically upgraded.
Apart from all that, there so many fads that you can create using SnapJet too! As mentioned on their Kickstarter campaign, “you can scrub them under hot water to turn your photos into full transparencies. With a simple backlight and some LED’s, you won’t believe the creative possibilities,” etc!
The makers hope to deliver SnapJet by December 2015 and in the near future, they also plan to introduce an ultra slim case-printer for the Smartphones which will have a small swiveling flap and will accommodate their optical scanner mechanism and a pull/release manual snap shutter.