Belonging to a technical background and being an event organizer at a college level, Naveen Kumar Giri presents a perfect blend of technical knowledge, communication skills and tenaciousness that is required in taking innovation a notch higher. Graduating from National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar and then working as a chief event manager at a private firm empowered his technical and communication knowledge that later helped him in understanding the nuances involved in building a website named college that now comprises about 50 members working from different colleges throughout the country.
It was his personal experience that he gathered during his graduation term that led to the creation of this online portal that helps people in sharing and viewing the experiences of college students. From a novice that enters as a fresher in a college to a person who is about to end his college term can share their experiences in the form of photos, videos, and blogs. Through this website, students can also stay updated with the current ongoings in different colleges throughout the nation.
Please provide a brief overview of your product/ service.
We are glad to introduce you CollegeMedia, a well-known name in the field of inter-college networks. College Media is currently leading platform for college videos in the country. It is aimed to be the largest Indian college network. Our agenda to cover everything, from your first nervous steps at fresher’s to the confident leaps at the Farewells. CollegeMedia has a dynamic active team of more than 50 members working from different colleges across the country. CollegeMedia, an interconnecting college network, where students share college videos , articles , events and much more so that you can learn , feel , enjoy and celebrate your college days again and again anytime anywhere. It is the best way to keep your memories safe and of course to share it with others too when required. This is the reason why CollegeMedia is one of most preferred online media partner of various cultural and technical fests across the country including IIT’s, NIT’s, DU etc. Our vision is to connect colleges and students by capturing more and more college events and stories. Our mission is to provide every passing out an individual with something to relive the best part of his life through CollegeMedia. Currently, College Media has more than 3000 videos from more than 100 colleges with around 5 lakh views per month on youtube channel. It has more than 100 self-covered videos from 20 different colleges including IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee, IIT Ropar, BITS Pilani, DTU, NLU, DU, LPU, NIT Jalandhar, Gyan Sagar Medical College, Chitkara University, Punjab University and much more. Not only covered, each college has more reach and quality as never before with 3 Million views and counting in just 4 months. We have more than 5 Million views on Facebook and other platforms. College Media now has 13000 followers and Facebook and 10000 Subscribers on YouTube which is more than any college fest YouTube channel and we will work hard to keep it growing.
What inspired you to build the above product/ service?
Back to my college days I saw the need of videos in the eyes of the performers and as an organizer I have to do anything to make my performers feel good so after some research found that today in India around 25 million students are graduating every year from around 35000 different colleges. Astonished? The more astonishing fact is that no one, ‘NO ONE’ in this country has a common media platform for them. But not anymore .The video is the future and we are going to help the upcoming students to preserve and live their college life the way they should live , connect and enjoy.
What is your life mantra?
Do your best enjoy the rest The only thing that is in your hand is your work . So always keep on working in the right direction with the right attitude.
What was the most challenging part of your journey till now?
The first step of entrepreneurial journey i.e team. The biggest challenge I am facing till now especially The web development and coverage Crew.
How did you overcome those challenges?
Time is the solution for every problem. Right now our product is in phase 1 of development and we have total 3 phases for now. Once we will complete our phase 2 of development. We will crack the market because our target audience is the student and they are the one who will run this platform in future. More and more people would love to join our team. As we know what exactly they need, we are trying our best to give them the best so that we get the best in return from them in future.
Share some details about the investments that you have been able to fetch for the business till now.
We are bootstrapped till now, we were in talk with many investors and few of them were ready to invest but on very high equity distribution and most important they did not understand our product. So we rejected as we were not ready with our product. But we definitely need funding to make this a World level product in the upcoming years.
How do you protect yourself from the problem of Brain Drain?
For now, we are at very initial phase of the complete product and services. So we have other much important things to focus on..
According to you, what are the three qualities an individual must have to achieve success?
Dedication, direction, and punctuality are the 3 qualities I believe which can take you very far on the highway of success.
Which online tools/ services/ apps do you use the most and would like to recommend as well?
we mostly use Evernote and slack apart from facebook and Whatsapp
because we have to do PR a lot and have our maximum users on this platforms.
Share any one habit which you think makes you more productive.
Self-analysis, meetings, and Solo travel. I must not use this terms but ya I am more productive when I travel alone or work alone especially without electronic devices. I just write things and more and more ideas come in . I do whatever I have to do to complete the work. This is one of the reasons I love loneliness for some time .
Share any one habit which you wish to change in yourself.
Emotional Attachment and Loyalty. Its time to change this habit because, in this world of shit, people will just use you via your emotions and after that will through you anywhere they don’t even care about.
Answer in less than 50 words
There is no word like failure, it’s either success or learning. So Believe in yourself and do whatever you want to do. but do it with full passion.
- One mistake you believe every individual must avoid
You are the average of 5 people you spend your maximum time with. So choose your circle wisely Because they will decide what you will do in your life.
- One most important lesson that you have learnt till now
You can do only one thing at a time so don’t waste your energy on multiple things. Try to connect because connecting the dots will take you closer to your dreams.
What are your plans for next 3 years?
Everything starts with some small steps, so currently, we are focusing on cockroach style for the much longer journey than expected. We have the plans. and We are working on it to make College Media as Worlds first active college network in the upcoming 3 years.
If you get a chance to start your career again what would you do differently this time?
I would work on the same idea but this time much faster and with proper team and management .
What are your top three getaway destinations?
Of course College Campus anywhere anytime. After that, my friends place where I can hang out with them and share whatever I want to. And 3rd is home sweet home . some quality time with family Apart from this would love to go to Brazil for some fun and China for some more futuristic ideas .
Share a quote that inspires you the most.
Na karne ke hazaar reason aur karne ka sirf ek – karna hai chahe jaise bhi. Baaki upar wala hai na samhal lega. Means Be the man , be positive and believe in yourself just try it again and again until you succeed.