Sudheer JainCo-founder of Pocket Pill & Care Circle Published On: Friday, September 16, 2016 Views 4995

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
Small things add up to make big things. This is Sudheer Jain’s life philosophy, which clearly reflects in the idea of his startups (Pocket Pill & Care Circle) and how he is adding bit by bit with perseverance for their growth.
Pocket Pill helps out patients in their journey – from seeing doctor regularly to following prescription and taking doses on time. Care Circle is a cloud practice management platform that removes the hassle of scheduling appointments for doctors. Collectively, these startups offer a collaboration platform to connect doctors and patients in order to personalize healthcare services.
A corporate job wasn’t enough for Sudheer Jain, who has previously worked in multinational companies like IBM & T-Mobile as software engineer. Now with his innovative startups, he is fulfilling his long seen dream of giving value to community.
Please provide a brief overview of your product/ service.
Pocket Pill
We are building a 360 degree compliance platform for patients to help them improve their health. It starts with patient empowerment and engagement. Compliance contrary to popular thinking does not involve only pill intake but a whole lot more. It starts from seeing the doctor at regular intervals, getting regular lab and other investigation done; getting regular nutrition and exercise updates and comply with them; knowing about medications and diseases and finally taking medicines regularly.
Care Circle
Care Circle is a practice management and collaboration platform for Doctors to connect with their patients, other doctors for case referral and streamline their operations in clinic.
What inspired you to build the above product/ service?
Personal Experience: My dad is taking diabetes and hypertension medicines for over 10 years. I was living away from home for last 16 years but always felt how I can play my small part to help him with understanding medicines and how important it is to take medicines as prescribed.
My co-founder who is a Senior Doctor has developed hypothyroidism which necessitates taking a tablet every morning. As a Doctor, he knows everything about the consequences of missing doses, but still often forgets to take his own medicines. He finds it extremely difficult to remember and incorporate in his lifestyle. He also had patient who forget to take blood thinners for four days and landed to his emergency with major heart attack. These turn of events made him realize the importance of enforcing compliance and its issues only spoken in medical conference but never enforced. These personal experiences has made us realize that instead of simply reminding them when and what to do, we need to be part of their journey and help them give confidence to be more engaged and empowered in managing their health.
What is your life mantra?
Do the right thing.
What was the most challenging part of your journey till now?
Managing cash-flow at company and asking money from family & friends to help run my startup.
How did you overcome those challenges?
The entire product team had left at same time in January of this year. It was tough to get good resources at below market cost. A positive mindset was needed to build a rock-star team again and I am so glad and lucky that we could get people who believe in our vision.
Share some details about the investments that you have been able to fetch for the business till now.
Me and my co-founder are currently funding it.
According to you, what are the three qualities an individual must have to achieve success?
Patience, perseverance, and respect for others.
Which online tools/ services/ apps do you use the most and would like to recommend as well?
Slack, Trello, MSG91, Livechat
Share any one habit which you think makes you more productive.
Plan your day and focus on one task at a time.
Answer in less than 50 words
One tip to success:
I am still learning and do not have a tip for success for others. But what I think is, success or failure is only an outcome of something we do. If you think, a failure or challenge can teach us lot more things than a quick success.
One mistake you believe every individual must avoid:
This is for first time entrepreneurs. When you start up, make sure you have a business plan and a clear road map. Go out and talk to your customers early and get the value proposition clearly.
One most important lesson that you have learnt till now:
Start with doing something small and iterate product quickly to reach its goals.
What are your plans for next 3 years?
Building a kick ass health tech product at Care Circle and Pocket Pill which can bring meaningful differences in people’s life.
What are your top three getaway destinations?
Northeast, India & Taking cruise to Alaska from Seattle
Share a quote that inspires you the most.
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
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Really good initiative and I think what we really lack today is awareness and this app will surely assist in bring that around… I am sure this app will make a lot of difference to general public.
All the very best.
Hi Chetan, Thank you! We agree with you on this. The need of the hour in Indian healthcare system is awareness and helping doctors to spend meaningful time with their patients. We hope to address them both soon.