
Sohil Bansal & Abhinav SaxenaFounding Team Members eR4u Published On: Tuesday, June 07, 2016 Views 5846


"Live your life on your Terms and Condition. Let nobody define what you will do. Be the King of your life. Think Big, Think Different, AurSocho."

Despite of having his father’s renowned business, Sohil Bansal started from scratch. He started with the focus to solve IT needs for any business by providing software solutions and services. Whereas, Abhinav Saxena was a small town boy from middle class family.

The duo, Sohil and Abhinav,met through a mutual friend and immediately started talking about the retail industry in India. After realizing the potential of the retail industry, the duo conceptualized ER4U, which is complete Retail Management Solution for Retailers/ Wholesalers/ Manufacturers.

Please provide a brief overview of your product/ service.

ER4U is complete Retail Management Solution for Retailers/ Wholesalers/ Manufacturers.

It includes Inventory Management, HRM, CRM, Accounting, SMS integration, etc.

The Solution let users to manage their stock along with barcoding. Image Taking and Stock Verification features are also embedded. UI & UX of the solution is such, anyone who can use Facebook, can easily use the software too.

A simple “Sell Online” button will enable clients to start selling and manage inventory on various ecommerce portals. In the initial offering, we are providing integration with Aursocho.com

ER4U Consist of-

  1. ER4U Software Solution
  2. ER4U App (Android)
  3. E-commerce Channel Integration for Retailers
  4. Platform for Supply Chain Management Integration

Using ER4U, 50+ clients has been benefited till date, growth in client’s revenue is seen at INR 9 million, over INR 30 million transactions by clients, all in just 6 months post product development. Further, we are looking to enter PAN India market which has over 15 million unorganized retailers.

What inspired you to build the above product/ service?

Indian e-commerce and retail market is growing with pace but also increasing the gap between e-Commerce players and the grass root retailers/suppliers. Current ecom industry is fighting to capture the user base, leaving behind Indian retailers and basics. Even today 90% of the trade happens from the local market but only 8% of the retailers are organized and even lesser are IT enabled. This open up a great opportunity to provide key solutions which will help Indian base retailers towards profitability and sustainability and also help them to connect with ecom with latest market trends. This way everyone will be a part of the progress and growth, along with Empowering Indian retailers.
With this thought, Sohil and Abhinav met through a mutual friend. Sohil was doing well with his service company, but had vision to build product. Being a bansal, he was all pumped up with the e-Commerce and retail booms. Most of his startup services were in Retail Business, so he knew the pain points of retail segment. Coming from IT background with experience of multiple startups, Abhinav knew the solution of the problems. They came on mutual understanding over a period of time and derived ER4U- Easy Retail For You and later on AurSocho (Jo sochogewomilega).

What is your life mantra?

Live your life on your Terms and Condition. Let nobody define what you will do. Be the King of your life. Think Big, Think Different, AurSocho.

How do you protect yourself from the problem of Brain Drain?

We follow Flat hierarchy & agile approach in both Development and Sales Team. Each and every employee is treated with Respect and equality. We always focused on the employee growth, Rewards & try to provide them the competitive compensation with a long term future goal for them.

According to you, what are the three qualities an individual must have to achieve success?

A person should believe in his dreams and of course a proper plan and strategy to make it done. One should always welcome all positive and negative comments from society, mostly negative comments.

One should also be excellent in managing and resolving issues on the GO, multitasking!

Last point, one should know the value of time, efficiently manage your 24hrs.

Which online tools/ services/ apps do you use the most and would like to recommend as well?

Communication and tightly coupled with team and clients is the key in the business, we use whatsapp, google drive, google keep and hangout. Slack is also a great tool for team communication. Todoed is another upcoming tool, proving to be very helpful in deliberating tasks. Being updated with Twitter is most important in this competitive world.

Share any one habit which you think makes you more productive.

I practice Daily meditation. I also plan every task right in the beginning itself and keep following up for status for each task. This helps me and my team to work efficiently.

One most important lesson that you have learnt till now

Client satisfaction is the key of any business growth & Honesty is the best policy.

What are your top three getaway destinations?

I love my work, so office is basically the destination which gives me satisfaction

Apart from that, I am meditator, so love Art of living Bangalore ashram.

Another one is, Leh, Ladakh bike trip with sky diving, which is pending till date.

Also the East Indian Region- Gangtok, Darjeeling are beautiful ones.

What are your plans for next 3 years?

To create a wide network of retailers, this will contribute to economic growth of India, in better and more efficient way.

One mistake you believe every individual must avoid

Don’t take steps which give small profit in shorter run. Always think for longer run big profits.

Share a quote that inspires you the most.

Business isn’t about numbers, business is about people. Make People happy and numbers will come automatically.

Inspiring Entrepreneurs

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Thanks for the great coverage. I hope our story give motivation to young generation.

Sulabh Saxena

Well done Mr. Abhinav Sir.. i really appreciate your approach and thinking. :-)
