
Ravi MittalDirector at QuackQuack.in Published On: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Views 3539


"Follow your passion."

A self-made entrepreneur & businessman, Ravi Mittal has always believed in learning things by experience. As a sixteen year old, he started to work to help his father manage his battery manufacturing business. This pretty much cut him off of his social circle, but eventually inspired to build India’s fastest growing dating app QuackQuack, which today has over 1 million registered users.

Ravi loves to talk about his passions, get involved into intellectual arguments, and also has the natural flair of public speaking; qualities that make him the ideal leader that his team needs to continue growing.

Please provide a brief overview of your product/ service.

QuackQuack.in is a clean and moderated online dating app (mobile app and web) helping Indian singles with similar interests mingle and meet offline.

What inspired you to build the above product/ service?

In 2010, when I had a shrinking social circle as I started working early, wanted to explore options to find a date online. Having figured that there were hardly any clean dating platforms catering to Indians then, I decided to build my own dating app which would be clean, moderated and dedicated to Indian singles. I was then supported by my parents to follow my dream and that is when I rented a small 2 bhk flat near my home and started by hiring in-house developers.

What was the most challenging part of your journey till now?

Quite a few actually. Here are some that are worth talking about.

  1. Telling elders about what I do is always a difficult task. Most of them do not understand dating. So, I have to tell them than we are like a matrimonial portal without the matrimony!
  2. We have had candidates who rejected us looking at our small office. We have now moved to a better office since then!
  3. We were offered in-movie branding in the movie Bang Bang where Katrina Kaif finds this guy on a dating site. Since we did not have so much money to invest in this, we had to let go of it!

Share some details about the investments that you have been able to fetch for the business till now.

QuackQuack is bootstrapped and a cash surplus company.

How do you protect yourself from the problem of Brain Drain?

We have a dedicated team and brain drain has never been an issue.

According to you, what are the three qualities an individual must have to achieve success?

  • Passion to solve someone’s problem
  • Commonsense to build something which you can use achieve point 1
  • The right people and skills who can help you achieve that

Which online tools/ services/ apps do you use the most and would like to recommend as well?

  1. Asana – makes collaboration with my team a bit easier
  2. Gmail – Tad too common but keeps me on my toes with my emails
  3. Similarweb and Sensortower – Tells me where the competition stands

Share any one habit which you think makes you more productive.

Jotting down my tasks and making sure I strike them off as soon as possible

Share any one habit which you wish to change in yourself.

Losing my temper!

Answer in less than 50 words

  • One tip to success:

Follow your passion

  • One mistake you believe every individual must avoid:

Starting a business which cannot generate any revenue

  • One most important lesson that you have learnt till now:

Success doesn’t come easy

What are your plans for next 3 years?

Grow QuackQuack to 4 Million users

If you get a chance to start your career again what would you do differently this time?

Focus more on social media brand presence.

Inspiring Entrepreneurs

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