Onkar Kishan KhullarChief Storyteller at Presentation.ink Published On: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 Views 5488

"People assume that happiness is in a direct relationship in having a startup but the fact is happiness lies in doing what you love whether it is a startup or a job."
Some visionaries are not developed but nurtured. Mr. Onkar Kishan Khullar popularly known as “OK” or “Gareebo Ka Steve Jobs” is no stranger to that word. At an age when most of us do not even know our career prospect, he went on to launch his own company, becoming one of the youngest Consultants in the Cause Branding & Marketing Industry Internationally. His first stint at entrepreneurship came in the form of I Impact India Partners. He then went on to launch his second venture called presentation.ink.
He is on the board advisors for various non-profits in India and is the Consulting Director of the UK Based Innovation Firm Chakraviyuh. After researching on 500 Nonprofits and Businesses, he developed an industry game changing process called Impact Thinking to help non-profits around the world for which he received Pride of India Award 2015. He is well renowned for introducing a new way of life called 5 year Old Philosophy through his book 5-year-old Billionaire.
Please provide a brief overview of your product/ service.
I Impact India: We are India’s largest communication services firm for NGOs (Branding, Marketing, Design, Social Media and Innovation).
Presentation.ink: A marketplace for stories and presentations.
What inspired you to build the above product/ service?
I dropped out from 3 different colleges in 3 different years the only reason being that while working in an NGO for cancer kids I realized that my time is limited. I had to search for my passion and purpose in life. I had realized that since childhood I was creative and loved doing creative things. That was how I figured out my passion. While working with the NGO, I came across an 8-year-old girl who was suffering from blood cancer and thus no NGO in India could help her get funds for her chemotherapy medication. I researched on more than 300 + NGOs in India and abroad and realized that ‘Even doing well needs Strategy, not funds’. I had finally found my purpose. Studying in SSCBS my third college one question kept on haunting me “Do we create an impact to make money or do we make money to create an impact”. I combined my passion and purpose to start a CSR/NGO Communication consultancy called I Impact India Partners.
After 2 years we started another firm to support I Impact India called Presentation.ink .Which is a one stop solution to provide all presentation and story requirements. The reason being that entrepreneurs in a bankrupt nation called Greece wanted a presentation to pitch to their investors for funds for a business model which would raise 5000 jobs in 4 years.1 small presentation can change an entire countries future. That day we realised the power of a great presentation. Today presentation.ink has clients across the globe to fortune 500 corporates and to creative startups.
What is your life mantra?
I don’t use my ideas to gain applause or to make money but to create something that matters because the purpose of life is to create something that outlasts it.
What was the most challenging part of your journey till now?
The most challenging part of my journey is to convince nonprofits to change their way of conducting operations and models. To become self-sustainable and thus, help the corporate and government in doing well instead of asking them for just funds.
How did you overcome those challenges?
I have written 3 books. I developed an internationally recognized method called impact thinking.
Share some details about the investments that you have been able to fetch for the business till now.
We never asked for investments.
How do you protect yourself from the problem of Brain Drain?
1) The entire idea is to do what you love. I help other people finding what they love to do and then we make them do as well as grow in that 24×7.
2) Have a flat structure instead of hierarchy. There are fights and politics in hierarchies instead we kept a flat structure.
3) Use the carrot, not the stick: fear or punishing people has never helped just be nice to them.
According to you, what are the three qualities an individual must have to achieve success?
Passion, Purpose and Persistence.
Which online tools/ services/ apps do you use the most and would like to recommend as well?
Try using Google apps and WhatsApp on your laptop instead of getting high-end fancy software for everything.
Share any one habit which you think makes you more productive.
Get up at 5 and introspect.
Share any one habit which you wish to change in yourself.
Stay calm
Answer in less than 50 words
• One tip to success:
People assume that happiness is in a direct relationship in having a startup but the fact is happiness lies in doing what you love whether it is a startup or a job.
• One mistake you believe every individual must avoid:
The only mistake you can make is not trying it for yourself. Making your own mistakes.
• One most important lesson that you have learnt till now:
My destiny is sealed but it is my choice what my journey will be.
What are your plans for next 3 years?
In past 3 years of starting out with my journey: I have written 3 books, started Presentation.ink and I Impact India and recently launched a philosophy of life called 5 Year Old Philosophy.
3 From now
I impact India: Will become not only the largest but also the best services in the social sector Presentation.ink: Asia’s largest marketplace for presentation, stories and poems.
Just creating more art in the form of books, paintings, installations, campaigns and music.
If you get a chance to start your career again what would you do differently this time?
Honestly nothing.
What are your top three getaway destinations?
I prefer going for a long drive that is it. I told you it is the journey, which matters not the destination for me.
Share a quote that inspires you the most.
“To achieve things you never had, you have to do things you never had.”
- Business Website http://www.iimpactindia.com/
- Personal Website http://www.onkarkhullar.com/
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Very impressive…..wish the young man all the very best….by the whose quote is that…your own or somebody’s