Infographic: 11 Crazy Perks + Insane Salaries of Silicon Valley Interns
Silicon Valley has always been the entrepreneurial hot spot of the world and has incubated numerous business startups. It is a place where benchmarks are set every other day and over shadowed at the same pace. A recent buzz in the Silicon Valley is a similar effort of creating a benchmark that might bring about a change in the ways employees get paid.
According to reports from the most reliable resources, the Average monthly Salary paid this summer to an Intern by a Silicon Valley Giant (No, it’s not Facebook! It’s Palantir Technologies ) was as high as USD $7,012, and if you think that is all then you need to wake up and wipe out the crud from your eyes!
The Silicon Valley Santa clauses came early this year and have been giving bags of gifts to interns. The packages include lavish perks including accommodations, bikes, Swimming pools, massages and much more.
However, as we all know very well, mammoth firms of the Silicon or for that matter any organization do not pay someone more than what they would earn through them, it is surmised that all this is being done to get the best of the tech minds to join them and help them dominate their respective industries.
The companies that were said to have been showering insane perks and salaries include some of the biggest names in the IT and E-commerce industry. To name some it includes: Palantir Technologies, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, eBay, Google , Exxon Mobile, Adobe, Amazon, Apple and more.
The following infographic would update you with all that is happening and what types of incentives to look forward to if you are planning to join your dream company.