An Entrepreneur’s Secret to Success
Success is one word which differs in meaning from person to person and is the most sort-after secret in the world too. To some success might means money and to others it may be another word for fame. When it comes to entrepreneurship, for some success might mean higher revenue for others- wider reach. However, to achieve success it is very important to define your goals first so that you can measure your feat and define a better path to success next time. In our opinion, an entrepreneur is successful when he is able to let others know exactly WHY they need his/her product or service. Once the need is defined and accepted by the target segment, the business is sure to ladder success and gain respect from customers.
While in conversation with some of the rising, first generation entrepreneurs we took it upon us to extract the success nectar from their brains so that others on the similar path could learn and get guidance from what has given these stalwarts their share of success. Following infographic includes the ingredients that became the recipe of success for some of the entrepreneurs of the Yo! Success Entrepreneurial Community.
Founder- Travelerrr
Entrepreneurial Success Secret- Business Vision, Passion and Personality to connect to people.
Founder- Dinasim Learning
Entrepreneurial Success Secret- Passion, Risk bearing appetite and A long term vision.
Founder- DogSpot
Entrepreneurial Success Secret- Passion, Perseverance and Patience
Founder- Heads Up For Tails
Entrepreneurial Success Secret- Persistence, Optimism and Self- confidence
Founder- Avishkaar Box
Entrepreneurial Success Secret- Scaleablity, Confidence and Sellers Grit
Founder- ForkMyCity
Entrepreneurial Success Secret- Patience, Hard Work and Integrity
What we observed from the answers we received was that ‘Patience’ is one of the things you sure need to lean if you wish to see yourself attaining your goals. What, according to you, are some key factors that help define your success ratio?